Monday, June 23, 2008

Outliers in the Data

Here are images from a project I finished in the spring, where i painted different trees a solid color. I was thinking about creating kind of abnormalities in nature, exceptions to the rule. I was also trying to confuse the ideas of order and chaos, in that the trees, once ordered (by becoming a uniform color) would make apparent the previous order that was hidden in the uniform chaos of the forest. Although for me the "real art" is the actual painted tree in the woods, where one may only happen upon it by chance, I chose to document them in a fashion that is reminiscent of Bigfoot/Sasquatch photos, in that the subject is not always in focus, or is not the focal point of the photograph.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

New Blog

This is the new blog i have started to keep people updated on my work, and to kind of "journalize" some of my thought process. Stay tuned...